Are You Ready To Do Something? Part IV

 Friday, September 16, 2011

“My son, if you accept my words and treasure up my commands with you so that you make your ear attend to wisdom, incline your heart to understanding; for if you cry for discernment, lift up your voice for understanding, if you seek her as silver and search for her as hidden treasures, then you would understand the fear of יהוה (Yahweh) and find the knowledge of Elohim.”
~Proverbs 2:1-5, The Scriptures Version


Now I know better.  Don’t discount the journey!   
The journey makes us who we are.  And, it is our teacher if we receive it as such. 

It shows us what we’re good at and what we enjoy doing.  
It provides the framework for us to learn to be faithful in the things that He has set before us.

That’s probably the most important attribute to have in God’s economy—being faithful in the small things. 

Further, I believe that the journey is full of much-needed preparation for walking in maturity.  

I think that sometimes, we underestimate the depth and weight of maturity. 

In our longing and waiting, it’s easy to lose sight of God’s highest objective—that we be like Him.

And, who, in their heart, would refuse or diminish the richness and purity of being approved, shown faithful by our Creator?

Most of all, I know that God’s hand has woven, in love, every thread of my journey with His watchful eye. 

Now, I understand that the journey was needed to get me to let go of what I had been holding onto. 

I didn’t see the walls I had built that defined my life—the way I thought it should be—leaving little room for Him to move and create His vision for my life.  

I held tightly to them.    

Moreover, I now value and attend to God’s plans for my life. 

I will probably never fully understand, on this side anyway, why He chose the path that He did for my life.

However, the longer I walk with Him the more I understand that He is indescribably creative.  His greatest work is in the coloring outside the lines. 

But, if you had tried to explain that principle to me as a young woman, I would not have understood what it meant, much less appreciate it.

Yet, thanks to God’s loving inner-workings, I am transformed into someone so unique and breathed by the spirit of God.  And, He has extracted the religiosity and immaturity that kept me from relating to most people in this world. 

It came with a price, though.  From arduous exercises of living outside my comfort zone, crucifying my flesh over and over again, He molded me.

Though I can’t see the full picture of where He’s taking me, I am at peace. 

Now I know, not just in my head but in my heart, that His plan is better than anything I can dream or imagine.  The Bible says in Isaiah 55:8 that His ways are higher than ours, and His thoughts, they are not ours.

Sometimes I get weighed down with the things I don’t understand.  It’s not hard to do when we only see in part, through a glass dimly lit.  But, if we stay in that place, in that depraved condition, we miss so much.  Yes, even His best plan for our lives. 

And, if the life-giving sustenance, the very flame of His spirit and power, comes from our willingness to move with Him, we must press onward and leave behind those things we don’t understand.

Once He has given us a vision, a calling, we are responsible for taking steps towards fulfilling it.  His gifts and callings are without repentance.

He doesn’t take them back.

They, just like His Word, go forth from Him for His purposes. 

We are, therefore, stewards.

God has an appointed time for all things, and all things are purposed by Him. 

So, here I am with open hands for Him to fill.  I know that His time is here now, and He will give me something beautiful.  For, He makes all things beautiful in their time. 


Do you feel that in certain areas of your life God has abandoned you? 

As believers we know that we are not alone.  God has said that He will never leave us, never forsake us. 

As we grow we see His hand of love in those tender places in our hearts more and more.

For me, the process has taken longer than I’d like.  But, it’s all been good.

I trust God’s word that says that all things work together for my good. 

To my surprise, on this journey I have already met others who are in the same place.  They don’t know exactly where their “desires of the heart” will take them.

But, what they do know is that they are walking away from that which what was not life-giving and uniquely prepared for them.

Are there steps that you can take today toward your dream?  What are some long and short-term goals that you can make today?

Write the vision and some achievable goals to accomplish this week.  You may not have the full picture yet, and that’s OK.  It is important that you do something!

Take care not to abandon or abort that which He has put in you. 

Begin to cry out to God.  His word says that if we ask for wisdom, we will receive it

If it is courage that you need, reach out and borrow some from another.

If it is a resource, counsel, or accountability that you need, make your desires known.  Ask for help. 

Lay your burdens and desires at His feet, and He will make something beautiful of it all


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Words of Life

This blog is a snapshot of my life as a born-again woman who has been walking with the Lord since I was a teenager.

I had the privilege of living in Israel for two years where I worked and attended graduate school. That experience enriched and transformed my faith.

The impact of living in the land of the Bible was so profound that I wanted to share my insights with others.

My writing is from a Hebraic, spirit-filled perspective that highlights the application of biblical principles.

It is my desire that those who read my entries will be strengthened and stabilized in their walk with the Lord.


Thank you for stopping by! : ) If you are seeking a change in career, ministry, etc. and would like to read along as I document my journey, I suggest that you start with my first post.

Please email me with questions and comments that you might have. Also, if there is a particular topic that you would like for me to write about let me know.

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