What Are the Desires of Your Heart?

 Sunday, April 24, 2011

Has it been a long time since you stretched your faith?  Left your comfort zone?  Stepped out, not knowing where you will land?  

What about answering the deep callings of your heart? 

What would you do for the sheer love of it?  If you could do anything, what would it be? 

Is it time to do something?

If so, then join me on this new leg of life's journey!  : )

Is there a desire, a calling within that's stirring?  Could God be drawing it out, bringing it forth now?  

Could this be the time for you to prepare or begin moving in that which brings you so much life and enjoyment?  

Does God want you to nurture and pursue those things that you love to do? 

Those are great questions, aren't they?  I have been asking them myself for some time now.  Furthermore, I wanted to know what God had to say.  Since He created all things, He alone knows the purposes and plans for my life better than I. 

And, what about Psalm 37:4?  It says, “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”  That verse has been embedded deep within my heart since I was a teenager.  Yet, I have struggled with its application at this juncture in life.

For years I have watched and waited for creative opportunities to present themselves.  I thought that they would dramatically appear—as a sign to assure me that I was on the right path.  

But, I didn't realize that I was simply gravitating towards ready-made endeavors, avoiding risk and resistance, thinking it wise.

Now, I see that my attitudes and reasonings built barricades in my mind—in my heart, squelching my creativity and stunting my testimony

The more I let go of my own assessments and self-imposed limitations, the more I grew in the liberty that had been mine all along, for the taking, 

And, then I saw the chains fall away and disintegrate.

From that place of liberation, I began thinking outside the box.  I delved into what was in my heart. 

There, in my heart, were words of life that had been burning in me.

You see, I’ve had this indelible desire to write since I was a young girl.  My earliest recollection was keeping a journal in elementary school.  I was faithful to write in it nearly every day.  I still keep one today.

Since becoming a believer in my teenage years there has been a redemptive thread woven throughout my writing.  It's as if my spirit were transcending the natural, speaking through pen and paper, reminding me of the goodness and faithfulness of God, whatever my lot.

There is a Chinese proverb that says, "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."  Sometimes the first step is the most difficult.  It might involve counting the cost, making a commitment, facing fears, and so on.  

I have considered those things and more while contemplating these words you're reading now.  However, this time, rather than waiting on an opportunity to present itself, I created one. 

This is my first step, my first blog ever!  : )  

But, this venture is not just for me.  It’s also an invitation for you to journey, seek, and discover the beautiful jewels meant to be enjoyed, celebrated, and shared in this life!

Perhaps it's time to take a peek inside the corridors and rooms of your heart and shine a light on those things that have been covered-up, dormant, and laid at the altar of sacrifice.
It might be difficult at first to revisit those things that have long been surrendered to God.  

But, take comfort in knowing that He has walked with you, every step of the way.  His word says that He never leaves us nor forsakes us. 

As we seek Him, and become pliable in His hands, our desires become His desires for us.  But, most of all He wants us to be completely His, a living sacrifice to Him, for His purposes.

Throughout the Bible there is a recurring theme of surrender.  Our God is a jealous God.  He is zealous for our heart, all of it.  And, as we walk with Him and mature in the letting go, we receive the joy that strengthens us, sustains us, and causes us to overcome.  

Is He speaking to you about a desire of your heart?  Are you willing to explore unchartered territory?

If so, what will be your first step?

Begin to thank Him for His faithfulness, and be prepared to see His goodness in this life!  

And, yes, rejoice in new beginnings! : ) 


kjgatlin April 25, 2011 at 6:11 AM  

Congratulations, Amanda, on your blog. It is beautifully developed. It was a blessing to read your first entry, and your words are an encouragement. May God bless many through you as you reveal your struggles and victories that God has brought you through. I look forward to reading all your entries.

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Words of Life

This blog is a snapshot of my life as a born-again woman who has been walking with the Lord since I was a teenager.

I had the privilege of living in Israel for two years where I worked and attended graduate school. That experience enriched and transformed my faith.

The impact of living in the land of the Bible was so profound that I wanted to share my insights with others.

My writing is from a Hebraic, spirit-filled perspective that highlights the application of biblical principles.

It is my desire that those who read my entries will be strengthened and stabilized in their walk with the Lord.


Thank you for stopping by! : ) If you are seeking a change in career, ministry, etc. and would like to read along as I document my journey, I suggest that you start with my first post.

Please email me with questions and comments that you might have. Also, if there is a particular topic that you would like for me to write about let me know.

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