A New Life, New Town, & New Landscape Part I

 Friday, October 28, 2011

      I haven't posted anything for a while because for the past few months we have been in the process of moving.  There have been many times that I have had spurts of ideas—things to say—but I didn't feel the freedom to sit down and explore the rest of the story.  For whatever reason, the majority of my creative moments have occurred when I can be by myself and let go of the things that weigh me down. 

     The past month I have juggled packing and unpacking, taking care of my husband, and starting a jewelry business.  Adding to that are health issues that interrupt and impose on my life.  I do my best to wrestle, faithfully, with the inclination to give-in to the fatigue and pain.  But, sometimes my body betrays me.  When it does, I relinquish my plans and surrender.  Afterwards, I am reminded that I am not omnipotent and that the "will" doesn't always win.

      As I seek to find the good in a difficult situation, I resolve to embrace and be content with what God gives.  At the same time I pray and war against the forces that try to keep me shut up, shut down, and shut out of the fullness that God has provided.  With that, I let go of the tendencies of the flesh that deter and distract me.  My struggles, to name a few, are perfectionism, self-criticism, and pride (e.g., opinions and desires that attempt to exalt themselves above what God gives). 

     With each day I hold out my hands to receive whatever God has chosen to give me.  His gifts always come with an ample dose of grace.  His grace upon my life means that everything has been filtered through His loving hands, and He has not given me anything that I can't handle.  All of this has been a lesson in gratitude.  I'm learning to be grateful for what God gives and calls “good”

     Further, if it is indeed good, then I must embrace Him and the life that He gives.  Life is good.  Life is good!

     Even now, right now, that concept sits and marinates upon my heart.  I inhale and exhale.  I look up and realize that the air about me is clean and free—free from anxiety and alarm.

     I keep hearing, “It’s the process—the process!”  He’s telling me that deliverance is a process.  It's a journey whereby we are being transformed and transported from glory to glory!  

     Despise not the process.  Enter into His rest—the rest that He has provided.


Shabbat Shalom, a Sabbath of wholeness, safety, soundness, health, prosperity, tranquility, contentment, and peace.



Words of Life

This blog is a snapshot of my life as a born-again woman who has been walking with the Lord since I was a teenager.

I had the privilege of living in Israel for two years where I worked and attended graduate school. That experience enriched and transformed my faith.

The impact of living in the land of the Bible was so profound that I wanted to share my insights with others.

My writing is from a Hebraic, spirit-filled perspective that highlights the application of biblical principles.

It is my desire that those who read my entries will be strengthened and stabilized in their walk with the Lord.


Thank you for stopping by! : ) If you are seeking a change in career, ministry, etc. and would like to read along as I document my journey, I suggest that you start with my first post.

Please email me with questions and comments that you might have. Also, if there is a particular topic that you would like for me to write about let me know.

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